Susan Forrest's Blog
You are currently ONLY viewing blog posts in category 'Furry Friends'
Genius Ways to Keep Your Dog Cool This Summer
Posted By: Susan Forrest on Jul 20, 2018
Our four-legged family members love summer just as much as any resident of Parksville-Qualicum Beach. For them, it's a magical season filled with all-day barbecues, hours of playtime in the park, and overnight camping trips under starry skies. But it can also be an extremely dangerous time for dogs, who are so patient and happy to be alive all the time that it's not always immediately obvious that...
Lost Pets That Found Their Way Home
Posted By: Susan Forrest on Jul 5, 2018
We try to watch our furry family members closely when they are out on the trails of Nanoose or playing on Parksville beach, but they do get distracted and run away sometimes. Fortunately they always return....almost always anyways! In a few instances they get lost and we can't find them, but dogs have an uncanny knack for finding their way back home...even from great distances as this post fr...
Funniest Dog Shaming Photos Ever
Posted By: Susan Forrest on May 4, 2018
We at Team SF love our furry friends!We hope that they will behave, we give them praise, treats, and lots of walks on Parksville-Qualicum's awesome trails...but sometimes the whole "behave" thing just doesn't work out. They have their own little ideas, don't they?Here's a collection of loveable pics of a few characters who were less-than-good doggies, from lifewithdogs. Funniest Dog Shaming P...
Funny Guilty Dogs Compilation
Posted By: Susan Forrest on Mar 30, 2018
The ultimate funny guilty dogs are back and nothing puts a smile on our faces quite like these doggies! From the Sad Cat YouTube Channel. Funny Guilty Dogs Compilation
Funny Dog Video Compilation
Posted By: Susan Forrest on Mar 15, 2018
After a nice run on Parksville beach or a walk at Qualicum Beach's awesome off-leash trail, our furry family members come home and entertain us with their endless silly antics. Here's a great collection of funny doggie moments from the Tiger FurryEntertainment YouTube channel...guaranteed to put a smile on your face! Funny Dog Video Compilation